Week 22 - Reflective Journal

 This week I mainly focused on my block-out in Maya, trying to fill the space appropriately. I also added some directional and ambient lighting, and played with the intensity of each. As the set fills more, I feel more prepared to begin more lighting tests.

Fig. 1: Spence, 2023. Maya Block-Out
Fig. 2: Spence, 2023. Maya Block-Out (2)

This week also featured my first delve into Unreal Engine, though I found it difficult to get to grips with at first, and may need to work in a different space with a computer that can run the engine more successfully, as my tests with it were slow and made it difficult to control. Another option would be testing out Unity, which I feel is more popular with my peers, though with the time I have left I am leaning towards creating 2D pieces.

Fig. 3: Spence, 2023. Camera Angle Test

Fig. 4: Spence, 2023. Camera Angle Test (2)

I also tested some camera angles (above) for potential screenshots and/or 2D paintings.

Currently, I'm gathering references of woodland areas for a better look at textures and lighting.

Fig. 5: Spence, 2023. PureRef Board



Figure 1. SPENCE, Nel. 2023. Maya Block-Out. Private Collection: Nel Spence

Figure 2. SPENCE, Nel. 2023. Maya Block-Out (2). Private Collection: Nel Spence

Figure 3. SPENCE, Nel. 2023. Camera Angle Test. Private Collection: Nel Spence

Figure 4. SPENCE, Nel. 2023. Camera Angle Test (2)Private Collection: Nel Spence

Figure 5. SPENCE, Nel. 2023. PureRef Board. Private Collection: Nel Spence

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Week 36+37 - Reflective Journal - GAM705

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