I think the best way to describe my first few days as an MA student is "overwhelming". It's been some time since I sat in a room of peers, feeling like I'm learning something from the ground up. It struck me how diverse our group was, with everyone bringing difficult skills and levels of experience. This was somewhat reassuring, as was the general atmosphere of the very first lectures.
I came away from the first week with a multitude of thoughts and plans on how to progress through this year, including:
- building a better understanding of reflective learning
- taking classes in concept art and 3D art to refamiliarise myself with methods and programs
- researching the games industry to gain a better understanding of development methods and pipelines
Fig. 1: Spence, 2022. Initial concept sketches for the Night Guard |
Finally, I got to refresh my knowledge of Maya during a workshop in which we had to design and begin blocking out an asset based on the game Sea of Thieves. I chose to begin building a chest, and despite some knowledge coming back to me, I realised there was far more that had been forgotten. Luckily, our lecturer Adam was on hand to give help and advice, as well as produce an introduction video to maya, which I will be using to aid me in improving my chest.
Fig. 2: Spence, 2022. Chest sketches |
Fig. 3: Spence, 2022. Building chest in Maya |
BOUD, David. 2001. ‘Using Journal Writing to Enhance Reflective Practice.’ New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 2001(90), [online]. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ace.16 [Accessed 06/10/2022]
Figure 1. SPENCE, Nel. 2022. Initial concept sketches for the Night Guard. Private collection: Nel Spence
Figure 2. SPENCE, Nel. 2022. Chest sketches. Private collection: Nel Spence
Figure 3. SPENCE, Nel. 2022. Building chest in Maya. Private collection: Nel Spence
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